
We think LinkRisk is great – but don’t just take our word for it!

  • a358677625df16f73a7f28b642216b25“There have been a few tools coming out on the market since the first Penguin – but I have to say that LinkRisk wins right now for me on ease of use and intuitive accuracy. They can cut the time it takes to analyse and root out your bad links from days to minutes and now that you can just plug in any paid Majestic account, you do not even need to upload link lists if you don’t want to. I know some of the beta testers in this tool… they don’t want you to have it! If you have a link profile problem, LinkRisk will be a major breath of fresh air for you.”

    Dixon Jones, Majestic SEO

  • a358677625df16f73a7f28b642216b25“Since using LinkRisk, our link auditing process has become a lot smarter and more efficient. With LinkRisk’s easy to use Litmus scoring and visualisation of the data, explaining to clients the state of their current link profile has never been easier.”

    Daniel Bianchini, SEOptimise

  • a358677625df16f73a7f28b642216b25“Before LinkRisk arrived, we use to spend many painful, murder-inducing hours carrying out backlink analysis for our clients.
    LinkRisk does it in a flash, providing us real insight (which keeps us happy) via very shiny-looking charts (which makes our clients happy).”

    Pete Campbell, iProspect

  • a358677625df16f73a7f28b642216b25” Been working through reviewing links and marking ones to include in the disavow rather than downloading and doing this in excel as your tool is easier. Love the tool, well worth the money!”

    Adam Miller, Datadial